を銀座店でご購入いただきましたpanielle de vera 様です。
ご自身で、銀座店の眼鏡をくまなくお楽しみいただきましたpanielle様。今回最終的にご購入いただいたフレームが◆BOZ - GLITTER 0040
眼鏡を少し下げ目に掛けるスタイルがお好きというpanielle de vera 様。最近、細めのフレームが若者の間で再び注目されていますが、まさにpanielle様自身の美意識にぴったりの眼鏡になっていると思います!!
こちらBOZの【GLITTER 0040】は、シンプルなラインでありながら、エキゾチックでフェミニンな魅力を放つ逸品。メタルフレームは一見控えめに見えますが、横顔に映える蝶の装飾やステンドグラス状に施された七宝細工は、細部にまでこだわったデザインが光ります。これにより、panielle様の個性と見事に調和していると思います!!
ぜひ、新しい【GLITTER 0040】と共に、日々のスタイルをさらに輝かせてくださいませ!!次回もまた銀座店にてお目にかかれることを、心より楽しみにしております!!
Thank you very much for purchasing the BOZ 【GLITTER 0040】 at our Ginza store. It was truly a pleasure seeing you enjoy browsing through our entire selection, and we are delighted that you chose this exceptional piece as your final selection.
We were particularly impressed by your unique style of wearing glasses slightly lowered. This touch adds a classic and individualistic flair, and with narrow frames gaining popularity among younger generations, this choice perfectly aligns with your distinct aesthetic.
The BOZ 【GLITTER 0040】 is a masterpiece that blends simplicity with an exotic and feminine charm. The metal frame appears subtle at first glance, but as you shift your gaze to the sides, delicate butterfly embellishments and cloisonné details reminiscent of stained glass catch the eye. These carefully considered elements add a layer of sophistication that beautifully complements your individuality.
BOZ is a secondary collection led by Joëlle, part of the renowned French eyewear brand J.F.Rey, known for its artistic and nature-inspired motifs. While the brand has recently been unified under the J.F.Rey name, the essence of BOZ remains intact. We hope you will enjoy wearing this exquisite eyewear as a true piece of “wearable art” that enhances your daily style.
We look forward to seeing you again at our Ginza store, panielle. Until then, may your new 【GLITTER 0040】 bring you joy and a touch of artistry every day!
Best regards,